Saturday, August 27, 2011
Summer's Unspeakable Fury
"You vapors, I think I have risen with you, moved away to distant
continents, and fallen down there, for reasons,
I think I have blown with you you winds;
You waters I have finger'd every shore with you,
I have run through what any river or strait of the globe has run
I have taken my stand on the bases of peninsulas and on the high
Embedded rocks, to cry thence:
Salut au monde!"
-Walt Whitman
Maybe I am less apt to guilt, maybe less panicked, or it could be that after so long one just gives up trying to push his or her self to the brink of madness........ Summer leaves me tired, I admit, but in remember past summers were I held down my day job, socialized to often, and then tried to do all my mind had in it, in regards to my art work, this one feels a little better managed. Could be that that is it "managed" both in time and resources to not feel like I might have a mental melt down by the end of summer.
The late cool rains, that never seemed to stop this spring, have given way to hot winds and all has turned rusted and over ripe. The evenings are cool, it is a perfect time to walk with your lover or sit, as I do, on my porch over looking the river. Time seems to slow down, then, for a bit and I can feel empty and a lone with out regret. We all need a quiet place for a while, all of us. Your soul has to have time to catch up with your body.
I have been listening to Science Fiction short stories on audio while I work, put together by George R.R. Marten. I so want to write and create my own strange world in words. One more thing to do......... So I have started the last series of work that could be the visuals of that "Blurred World". It is a world were shadows have a life of there own and you can see the air moving and there are always lakes and rivers; monsters and beautiful woman. In this world what you first see is certainly not what it will turn into.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Now is Our time.
"And take this step with cheerful resolution,
Though it involves the risk of utter dissolution."
Goathe's Faust
"Do you dream in numbers?" one song writer sings, "Do you dream in math?" And I ask, every time I hear this song, does it really matter what you dream at all? No, hang on with me my winter pessimism has dripped away with the summer sunshine! I once read a book called "The Symbols of Man" by Charlie Jung which explored dream psychology. I loved the book. Yet I have a family friend who is a prison and child psychologist who, over a bottle of whine, explained to me that though Charles Jung's research into dream psychoanalysts was the reason he became interested in psychology in the first place it was utterly impractical to use in the profession. "Write choices & Wrong choices" he told me was what he focused on in his daily work. I then asked him if his dreams did ever bother him, if they in some way didn't in fact influence his daily choices. "No" he told me "the they don't! I wake up and think what a strange dream and then get on with my life." He likes to golf, spending time on his Montana property, make good business investments and playing at writing conspiracy novels in his spare time. He once become concerned when I told him I was planning on marketing my art to Art Consultancy Firms world wide. "Don't you think you will be selling out?" he asked. I laughed and said "You have to be known to Sell Out or become Commercial, besides my work is only going to appeal to a select crowd so I think I am safe." I admit, I might be naive in this but we will see. Any way we are talking about dreams, about that space in between. And I dream, so do you. You dream of sand, of horses, of being naked or flying. You awake from dreams feeling reborn or drained and wishing for a night with peace and rest. Jung might have something but Jung is lost, wondering the plains of the dead. His followers are holy men of the new order that should dance with feathers between their shoulders and we are here with Wal-Mart and The U.N. So what do you dream what are the themes that keep coming back and back? Does the world fast-forward for you there? Do colors bleed? Are there colors at all? Is there God? I once found my self on a plain of glass in front of a crystal thrown dressed all in rags, does it really matter for it was the past. And at one point, at another time, there were seven naked woman in a pool, one tried to grab me and hold me close. I thought many things of this dream but now none match up to any definitive answers to problems today and only seem like a linking between what was future then but know is the past. Sadly I seam to relate with my friend, the psychologist, and have become concerned with every day living. Yet somethings still strike at me with this feeling like I have been there before or seen this before or in feeling. My art, what I am drawn to, doesn't let me forget the shifting shapes that fade with waking though my day is made up of "Good choices & Bad".
Though it involves the risk of utter dissolution."
Goathe's Faust

Monday, July 11, 2011
"She Dreams"
"I wish I new her life story. I wish I could watch her make pasta and buttonholes. I wonder what she dreams."
Frances Mayes
Frances Mayes
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I have seen this artist's work before but never put a name to it. It was her abstract/realism mix that was my primary reason for getting into acrylics. Everything I had seen until that point didn't interest me, in the medium, but when I saw this ladies work I became a believer.
Check her out. And read about her out look on art. If you aren't inspired and blown away THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU.
Check her out. And read about her out look on art. If you aren't inspired and blown away THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
We Need A Changing Of The Guard
"We observe and appropriate style and ideas from what is peripheral, and to assume that it came from within, would be pretty narcissistic. That idea was rooted in the 1950's and we have since moved beyond it."
Hilary Pecis
Quote from April 2011 issue of Juxtapoz Magazine.
O.K., so what Miss Pecis has to say, in the quote above, seems strait forward enough. In a world that is getting smaller and smaller all we are doing is borrowing ideas from different sources that surround us, reconstructing them and putting them out there for the general, consuming, public to enjoy. There is no invention, no muse, no higher purpose, no God, no science or discipline in art, just an ability to "observe and appropriate style and ideas". Everything else is "Narcissism" of an older forgotten age. Did I mention that Miss Pecis has an M.F.A. and I like her art (even though it is all computer made)? Yet I have to ask: "What is the point of a M.F.A. in this ideal?" Could it be that to except this ideal one must get that Master Of Fine Arts? No wonder they defend it with such vigor! They wouldn't have anything to teach if they lost their ideals and it would get expensive to have to start buying art supplies again!!!

I know, I need to get off this "kicking the dead horse of Post Modern Art" or I will be in danger of becoming the Rush Limba (don't have a clue how to spell his last name) of the art world......... Well, I doubt it but I will quit ragging on this subject I promise :)
Here are a couple paintings from my last commissioned project.
Hilary Pecis
Quote from April 2011 issue of Juxtapoz Magazine.
O.K., so what Miss Pecis has to say, in the quote above, seems strait forward enough. In a world that is getting smaller and smaller all we are doing is borrowing ideas from different sources that surround us, reconstructing them and putting them out there for the general, consuming, public to enjoy. There is no invention, no muse, no higher purpose, no God, no science or discipline in art, just an ability to "observe and appropriate style and ideas". Everything else is "Narcissism" of an older forgotten age. Did I mention that Miss Pecis has an M.F.A. and I like her art (even though it is all computer made)? Yet I have to ask: "What is the point of a M.F.A. in this ideal?" Could it be that to except this ideal one must get that Master Of Fine Arts? No wonder they defend it with such vigor! They wouldn't have anything to teach if they lost their ideals and it would get expensive to have to start buying art supplies again!!!

I know, I need to get off this "kicking the dead horse of Post Modern Art" or I will be in danger of becoming the Rush Limba (don't have a clue how to spell his last name) of the art world......... Well, I doubt it but I will quit ragging on this subject I promise :)
Here are a couple paintings from my last commissioned project.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Explaining Away Stupidity
"And in the post modern world, even more than the modern world, control and administration (pseudo-mastery, one might say) are all, indeed, seem to have become the be - all and end - all of life"
Donald Kuspit "The End Of Art"
I would say that one of the most frequent responses that I get after telling people I am an artist or showing them my studio is this: "I have to confess I really know nothing about art." It is a disclaimer ending the conversation before it begins. It says: "Look, I am only here to be polite and satisfy my curiosity. So please don't ask any thing more of me." At my best I will work into the conversation some educational tips on art or the fact that indeed, who ever it happened to be, did know something about art wether they new it or not. At my worst I just ignore the comment and try to get rid of these Philistines as quickly as possible.
The biggest appreciators of my work, thus far, seem to be my uneducated, back woods, rednecked, tobacco chewing, and Bud Light drinking friends who spend most of their time hunting and fishing. Because of the low gallery or museum numbers in our area most of them have never even set foot in such a place, never mind having any idea about what has taken place in the art world over the last seventy years or so. They see something they like and they say so. So we start a diologe that continues into a good conversation were both parties benifit from the exchange. Then in contrast, and in general, there are my PH. D., M.F.A., ect., ect. friends and acquaintances. These, in general again, seem to be the ones least interested in my work and least friendly to draw into a conversation about art. When they make the statement "I know nothing about art." it is not an invitation for dialogue but a barricaded door. The know nothing and don't want to know anything. I at first blamed this attitude on the educational system/American culture leaving out or undermining, the important fact, that art has always been one of the most important aspects of showing why we aren't animals and shouldn't act like animals. But alas, I was wrong........
Non-Art as Art
Maybe it is time I handed the educational system it's due respect for actually teaching art, in general, and that it isn't the fault of not teaching art but TEACHING it........... What we are told to except as the "HIGH ART" or "FINE ART" of today (meaning what is being made in your life time) is repulsive. Maybe entertaining for a while, but not something you want to bring home with you. Not only that but this new "CONTEMPORARY POST MODERNISM" is exclusive to the extreme. It seems to say that if you aren't in the IN crowd and in the KNOW, then to bad. Oh ya, and you are stupid. Not only that but most of the past postmodern art that has been displayed or come in contact with the non-artist has been so surrounded by nonsensical dialogue and explanation that one can't help feel that this is just stupidity being explained and rectified. No wonder so many run when confronted with art or the artist; not only do they not want to feel stupid but who wants to have to put up with stupidity parading itself as intelligence? As my sculptor friend Garrith Curtis puts it "Most work of this age is more about what is written about it than what it is." I tend to agree. The art critics and gallery owners are the true creators at this point, they are creating something out of very little so that they have a job. They aren't artists though, they are illusionists.
Postmortem Examination
I am not saying that I hate all Post Modern, Modern, or Contemporary FINE ART. Or that it is all stupid or banal. Some is fitting for our time and place and mirrors Contemporary society quite well. Yet I don't think any one will argue that it will be marked down in the pages of history with less than a brief mention before moving on. Something to the effect of "After two devastating world wars, the use of science for mass murder, the deconstruction of religion, and love into function, mankind went mad and started displaying fecal matter as original art work." The mention will end with a huge sigh of relief and "We sure are glad we moved on from there!"
Here is a call for artists to take back the power of being artists. Take back discipline, restraint, moral belief, hope and joy (not to mention true emotion). To stop trying to be the Fairest Of Them All and the SPOILED MEDIA CHILD, but the reclusive soul-searching being in love with light and beauty. Let us be willing to look stupid or uneducated for our faith. And let us focus on What We Are Doing, not What We Are Getting in return.
Donald Kuspit "The End Of Art"
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"Decapitating Beauty" Digital/Photoshop Print 2005 (c) Abe Samuel Quilling |
The biggest appreciators of my work, thus far, seem to be my uneducated, back woods, rednecked, tobacco chewing, and Bud Light drinking friends who spend most of their time hunting and fishing. Because of the low gallery or museum numbers in our area most of them have never even set foot in such a place, never mind having any idea about what has taken place in the art world over the last seventy years or so. They see something they like and they say so. So we start a diologe that continues into a good conversation were both parties benifit from the exchange. Then in contrast, and in general, there are my PH. D., M.F.A., ect., ect. friends and acquaintances. These, in general again, seem to be the ones least interested in my work and least friendly to draw into a conversation about art. When they make the statement "I know nothing about art." it is not an invitation for dialogue but a barricaded door. The know nothing and don't want to know anything. I at first blamed this attitude on the educational system/American culture leaving out or undermining, the important fact, that art has always been one of the most important aspects of showing why we aren't animals and shouldn't act like animals. But alas, I was wrong........
Non-Art as Art
Maybe it is time I handed the educational system it's due respect for actually teaching art, in general, and that it isn't the fault of not teaching art but TEACHING it........... What we are told to except as the "HIGH ART" or "FINE ART" of today (meaning what is being made in your life time) is repulsive. Maybe entertaining for a while, but not something you want to bring home with you. Not only that but this new "CONTEMPORARY POST MODERNISM" is exclusive to the extreme. It seems to say that if you aren't in the IN crowd and in the KNOW, then to bad. Oh ya, and you are stupid. Not only that but most of the past postmodern art that has been displayed or come in contact with the non-artist has been so surrounded by nonsensical dialogue and explanation that one can't help feel that this is just stupidity being explained and rectified. No wonder so many run when confronted with art or the artist; not only do they not want to feel stupid but who wants to have to put up with stupidity parading itself as intelligence? As my sculptor friend Garrith Curtis puts it "Most work of this age is more about what is written about it than what it is." I tend to agree. The art critics and gallery owners are the true creators at this point, they are creating something out of very little so that they have a job. They aren't artists though, they are illusionists.
Postmortem Examination
I am not saying that I hate all Post Modern, Modern, or Contemporary FINE ART. Or that it is all stupid or banal. Some is fitting for our time and place and mirrors Contemporary society quite well. Yet I don't think any one will argue that it will be marked down in the pages of history with less than a brief mention before moving on. Something to the effect of "After two devastating world wars, the use of science for mass murder, the deconstruction of religion, and love into function, mankind went mad and started displaying fecal matter as original art work." The mention will end with a huge sigh of relief and "We sure are glad we moved on from there!"
Here is a call for artists to take back the power of being artists. Take back discipline, restraint, moral belief, hope and joy (not to mention true emotion). To stop trying to be the Fairest Of Them All and the SPOILED MEDIA CHILD, but the reclusive soul-searching being in love with light and beauty. Let us be willing to look stupid or uneducated for our faith. And let us focus on What We Are Doing, not What We Are Getting in return.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Pterodactyl Plains Project
"The chance is the remotest
Of its going much longer unnoticed
That I'm not keeping pace
With the headlong human race."
Robert Frost
The weeks have flown by..... I have to ask why the days seem to go into fast forward yet my work seems to go into slow motion? What is up with that? I am currently working at finishing up the album art for the new Pterodactyl Plains indie album. This will be the second piece of their work that I have covered with my art. I am also recording my own album with them under the name of "The Golden Morning", we started recording last week. So on top of all this I am starting a new side project, which I will be getting up on FB and Myspace before to long.
So after Pterodactyl Plains I have one more project that is commissioned and then I am home free to explore some much need new territory in my own world. Not to mention finish some embryos of work that screams for birth....
Of its going much longer unnoticed
That I'm not keeping pace
With the headlong human race."
Robert Frost

So after Pterodactyl Plains I have one more project that is commissioned and then I am home free to explore some much need new territory in my own world. Not to mention finish some embryos of work that screams for birth....
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