I will put you on trial now, I will look you in the eyes and if you look away you might be subject to doubt. I am going to decide now if you are right or you are wrong, I will ask you some questions that have one answer; is it yes or is it no. These are important questions I ask you, for they will tell me if you are to be loved and admired or if you are to be pitied and avoided. I know you do not wish to be on the outside, you desire to be with us even if you will not admit it. Every one wants to be with some one else, they want to feel apart of something, something greater than themselves, and they want to believe they have found the rarest of treasures; in relationship, in thought, in belief, and in truth. Don't you want to hold that treasure, it is important that you do, it is important to me; so just answer yes or no.
Have you ever felt this way? Have you ever felt you are on trial? That one miss step would land you in the shitter trying to keep your head up. All you want to do is connect, make friends, laugh and be happy, you wonder why you have to prove your self to any one! Much less those who call them selves your friends but that isn't life is it? I believe two things are worth while, to strive for in this life, and the rest is a wast of time: One is doing art and all the things that make it possible, Two is loving each other and finding better, more efficient and deeper ways to do that. Like I said "the rest is a waist of time."