"And take this step with cheerful resolution,
Though it involves the risk of utter dissolution."
Goathe's Faust

"Do you dream in numbers?" one song writer sings, "Do you dream in math?" And I ask, every time I hear this song, does it really matter what you
dream at all? No, hang on with me my winter pessimism has dripped away with the summer sunshine! I once read a book called "The Symbols of Man" by Charlie Jung which explored dream psychology. I loved the book. Yet I have a family friend who is a prison and child psychologist who, over a bottle of whine, explained to me that though Charles Jung's research into dream psychoanalysts was the reason he became interested in psychology in the first place it was utterly impractical to use in the profession. "Write choices & Wrong choices" he told me was what he focused on in his daily work. I then asked him if his dreams did ever bother him, if they in some way didn't in fact influence his daily choices. "No" he told me "the they don't! I wake up and think
what a strange dream and then get on with my life." He likes to golf, spending time on his Montana property, make good business investments and playing at writing conspiracy novels in his spare time. He once become concerned when I told him I was planning on marketing my art to Art Consultancy Firms world wide. "Don't you think you will be selling out?" he asked. I laughed and said "You have to be known to Sell Out or become Commercial, besides my work is only going to appeal to a select crowd so I think I am safe." I admit, I might be naive in this but we will see. Any way we are talking about dreams, about that space in between. And I dream, so do you. You dream of sand, of horses, of being naked or flying. You awake from dreams feeling reborn or drained and wishing for a night with peace and rest. Jung might have something but Jung is lost, wondering the plains of the dead. His followers are holy men of the new order that should dance with feathers between their shoulders and we are here with Wal-Mart and The U.N. So what do you dream what are the themes that keep coming back and back? Does the world fast-forward for you there? Do colors bleed? Are there colors at all? Is there God? I once found my self on a plain of glass in front of a crystal thrown dressed all in rags, does it really matter for it was the past. And at one point, at another time, there were seven naked woman in a pool, one tried to grab me and hold me close. I thought many things of this dream but now none match up to any definitive answers to problems today and only seem like a linking between what was future then but know is the past. Sadly I seam to relate with my friend, the psychologist, and have become concerned with every day living. Yet somethings still strike at me with this feeling like I have been there before or seen this before or in feeling. My art, what I am drawn to, doesn't let me forget the shifting shapes that fade with waking though my day is made up of "Good choices & Bad".