Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer's Unspeakable Fury

"You vapors, I think I have risen with you, moved away to distant
          continents, and fallen down there, for reasons,
I think I have blown with you you winds;
You waters I have finger'd every shore with you,
I have run through what any river or strait of the globe has run
I have taken my stand on the bases of peninsulas and on the high
          Embedded rocks, to cry thence:
Salut au monde!"

-Walt Whitman

Maybe I am less apt to guilt, maybe less panicked, or it could be that after so long one just gives up trying to push his or her self to the brink of madness........  Summer leaves me tired, I admit, but in remember past summers were I held down my day job, socialized to often, and then tried to do all my mind had in it, in regards to my art work, this one feels a little better managed.  Could be that that is it "managed" both in time and resources to not feel like I might have a mental melt down by the end of summer.  

The late cool rains, that never seemed to stop this spring, have given way to hot winds and all has turned rusted and over ripe.  The evenings are cool, it is a perfect time to walk with your lover or sit, as I do, on my porch over looking the river.  Time seems to slow down, then, for a bit and I can feel empty and a lone with out regret. We all need a quiet place for a while, all of us.  Your soul has to have time to catch up with your body.

I have been listening to Science Fiction short stories on audio while I work, put together by George R.R. Marten. I so want to write and create my own strange world in words.  One more thing to do.........  So I have started the last series of work that could be the visuals of that "Blurred World".  It is a world were shadows have a life of there own and you can see the air moving and there are always lakes and rivers; monsters and beautiful woman.  In this world what you first see is certainly not what it will turn into.