"The man who cannot visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot." Andre Breton
"If man no longer finds any meaning in his life, it makes no difference whether he wastes away under a communist or a capitalist regime." Jaffe'
Here is the numbing aspect of relativity, the grey shouting void in between the darkness and the light, and the plausible explanations that can't be explained. So why are we lonely when we have love? My friend Jimmy looked at paintings my niece and nephew left on the kitchen table yesterday afternoon. "You can really tell whats going on in a child's mind by what they draw." he commented "It is always smiling faces and sunshine......" We grow older and we gather shadows and we gather moon dust. Then we mix them together in a molotov cocktail and call it wisdom. Jesus said that unless you become like a little child you will not see the kingdom of heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is also referred to as having no shadows, only light. We connect reality with shade and shadow, as the years pass, and I wonder if this is only a reality we have made for our own safety. Even while looking at each other are we seeing the shadow before the light? I make a glance at beautiful eyes and as they return the look I wish to be a child and love openly with our reservations; to see the "Kingdom of Heaven" stretched out into eternity there. Maybe it is a lustful longing yet I hope my shadows grow less dense as I close with the quickening of time and life on this earth.
There was day that I was painting and I didn't know how to create the image. I became aware that God said I created everything from light. He spoke light first. It is only by light that we know shadow and it is only by the contrast that we know shape. It gives everything its dimension and depth. So, you start from light and work your way through. Life is a battle, and it is a battle that is built of lights and darks. Life is lived in that tension between two realities. The tension between light and dark. Pain and joy, hardship and peace, who we are and we are not (no matter the opposition to either side). In its exquisite pain and joy, life is the fullest and the greatest endevour that can be created, enjoyed, and survived.